Baha'i WorldBicentennial - Baha'u'llahHouse of Worship Baha’i community to celebrate 200 years THE 60,000-strong Baha’i community in the country is preparing for one of its major celebrations next month. The Baha’i community will celebrate the bicentennial of the birth of the founder of the faith, Baha’u’llah on... Office of External Affairs161 views
House of Worship PNG National Spiritual Assembly of Bahai’s Unveil Design of New House of Worship Office of External Affairs
House of Worship Governor General launches 50th National Bahá’í Convention, 24-29 May 2018 Lae, Papua New Guinea Office of External AffairsAdd comment
House of Worship Design of national temple unveiled at Naw-Ruz amidst great joy Office of External Affairs