Baha'i Faith PNG
Papua New Guinea House of Worship

Official Statement by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of PNG

On the 2nd August 2023, the Supreme Court of Papua New Guinea, represented by a 3-men judicial bench made a judgement upholding the appeal of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of PNG (NSA) in case matter SCM 24 of 2022. As a result of this ruling, important stakeholders including the media and other interested actors have expressed an interest in understanding the sentiments of the Bahá’í Community.

On 7th August 2023, an Official Statement by the NSA has been provided and may be downloaded and viewed below as a reference for interested individuals and organisations.

For any queries, kindly contact:

Papua New Guinea Bahá’í Office of External Affairs
ph. +675 7379 6777 | email.
website. | social. @PNGBahai or PNGBahaiCommunity

The Bahá’í Community of Papua New Guinea

Official Statement

Reference: 30.2.2

7th August 2023

The Bahá’í Community of Papua New Guinea reaffirms its confidence and loyalty to our Government composed of the legislative, executive and judiciary pillars. We acknowledge the complex challenges faced by our country’s governing institutions and have the utmost respect for the women and men who sincerely strive each day against many odds to uphold the cherished common vision as captured by our founding forefathers within the Constitution. A vision of a peaceful and prosperous PNG, free from prejudice. Indeed, enshrined within the Bahá’í Holy Writings is clear guidance that we aspire for: 

The essence of the Bahá’í spirit is that, in order to establish a better social order and economic condition, there must be allegiance to the laws and principles of government. 


According to the direct and sacred command of God we are forbidden to utter slander, are commanded to show forth peace and amity, are exhorted to rectitude of conduct, straightforwardness and harmony with all the kindreds and peoples of the world. We must obey and be the well-wishers of the governments of the land…wishing evil to the government (is) a transgression of the Cause of God. 

Whilst our country faces many challenges at all levels of society, it is our firm belief and experience that a common desire to work towards the betterment of our communities exists within the hearts of many, if not most people across the country. Indeed, since the 1950s, Bahá’ís throughout PNG continue to serve shoulder to shoulder with wantoks, communities and institutions seeking to contribute to this common vision. The Government’s 2050 Vision and the hard work rendered towards these goals are also testament to this. 

The National Bahá’í House of Worship undergoing construction in Port Moresby was first announced more than a decade ago in 2012. It is a precious gift fully funded by the Bahá’í Community for our whole country and contributes sincerely to this common vision as a special place welcoming all people regardless of tribe, ethnicity, denomination, income, status, age, religious, traditional or non-belief or any other affiliations. It is a space for peaceful worship, reflection, prayer, meditation and reverence that inspires us all to render selfless service for the betterment of our community as a whole. 

The House of Worship joins a worldwide family of Bahá’í Houses of Worship that play an important role of harmoniously bringing people together from all walks of life and mitigating prejudice which is cancerous to the wellbeing of our society. It is a genuine expression of unity through the experience it engenders and in its architectural design inspired by the traditional craft of weaving symbolic of coming together, celebrating our diversity and finding strength in unity. As prescribed in the Bahá’í Holy Writings it promotes the essential principles that we are all part of one human family and pray to the same Almighty, Loving God. 

Indeed, the Bahá’í House of Worship, will be a place where His Holiness Christ’s commandment, “That ye love one another, as I have loved you.” John 15:12 will be central to the experience of all who visit.

Whether from the most modest efforts to the most far-reaching decisions, working together across individual and collective efforts in our nation’s ongoing development is so important. Our community is sincerely grateful for the public servants throughout the Government and across our whole country as we continue working side-by-side to serve and contribute to nation building.

We look forward to welcoming you all to the Bahá’í House of Worship upon its official opening which will be announced in due course.

Authorised by

The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of PNG

Office of External Affairs